Key Rings/Magnets

Quality Key Rings & Magnets
Images of Key Rings shown where possible. Magnets do not come with ring and chain.

PVC F-111 Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

PVC Ipswich Amberley Air Tattoo Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

F-35A Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

F/A-18F Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

F-111 Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Hawk Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Neptune Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Tiger Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

CH-47 Chinook Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

FTT CT4B Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

I'd Rather Be Flying Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Altimeter Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Air Force Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

Flight Nurse Key Ring

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Comes with circular key ring link (not shown)

RAAF Crest

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RAAF Roundel

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Bograt Association of Australia

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36 Squadron RAAF Crest

Key Ring
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RAAF Williams RAAF Crest

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Australian Air Force Cadets

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Royal Australian Navy Crest

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Royal Australian Corps of Transport

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Victoria Police Uphold The Right

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Sovereign Hill

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Magnet Available Only